The good-for-nothing - ZMF Freiburg

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What begins in a small, greasy kitchen rises to 10,000 meters above sea level and lands in the heart of the viewer: a wistful waiter, a dreaming ship's cook and a cheeky, hungry thug help each other make their dreams come true. The "good-for-nothing" can't pay and is thrown into the kitchen by the angry waiter. But the cook happily takes him in and together they fall under the spell of a great adventure. Will they find the cook's ship?

With just a few resources - a table and two chairs - Franziska Braegger and Len Shirts throw themselves into an inventive "road theater" that delights children and adults alike.

The press: "...what makes this theater so worth seeing is firstly the content of the (friendship) story, and secondly the spontaneity and intensity of the actors. The Swiss actress Franziska Braegger and the American Len Shrits breathe life into the three characters and make young and old laugh almost incessantly."

An adventure with masks for the whole family (children from 4)
(performed by Franziska Braegger & Len Shirts under the direction of Christian Dauwalder of the Random Acts of Beauty Theater)

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