Caroline Wahl: Windstärke 17
Reading and conversation with Isabelle Abt

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Caroline Wahl: Windstärke 17 - Reading and conversation with Isabelle Abt

Book tickets

Her debut novel became the favorite book of the independent book trade in 2023 and inspired a readership from north to south - right up to a great Freiburg appearance: After "22 Bahnen", Caroline Wahl presents a sequel with her second novel "Windstärke 17" (Dumont, 2024). It tells the story of Ida - the little sister of Tilda, the subject of her debut. Two months after the death of her alcoholic mother, Ida leaves the small town of her childhood behind. At the train station, she chooses the train that takes her furthest away and ends up on the island of Rügen. Without a plan, she roams the Baltic Sea island, crawls dangerously far out into the sea and gradually finds a place for herself.

The author talks to Isabelle Abt about diving into the water and into her narrative cosmos, about daughters and mothers, guilt and independence. Welcome to the sequel in a summery Wiehrem backyard - one year later, one novel on.
Photo: © Friederike Wetzels

Co-organizer: Buchhandlung Schwarz

Date: 21.6.2024, 19:30
Location: Backyard of Günterstalstraße 55
Rain alternative: Literaturhaus, Bertoldstraße 17
Admission: Pay after, registration at:

Reading and discussion
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