Brahms - An Autumn

Johannes Brahms is undisputedly one of the great musical shining lights of the 19th century. Especially with his ability to fill the old classical forms with a completely new, rich tonal style and thus play a significant role in shaping the early Romantic period. Brahms could simply do both. His repertoire is just as wide-ranging: when one thinks of Brahms, one perhaps first thinks of his symphonies. But the composer, who was famous beyond all measure and had a glowing reputation in the great concert hall, wrote equally extraordinary and impressive music for the salon, i.e. lieder and chamber music. Brahms' songs DIE MAINAICHT, WIE MELODIEN ZIEHT ES MIR or MEINE LIEBE IST GRÜN and his KLAVIERTRIO NR. 3 are masterpieces of the finest, most haunting and detailed composition. And the slightly melancholy atmosphere that characterizes these works perhaps also reflects his ambivalent, decades-long relationship with Clara Schumann. Love and lovesickness? Brahms' oeuvre always breathes the spirit of a deeply felt duality. Soprano Cassandra Wright, pianist Harry Rylance and Hongyuan Luo, violin, Ognjen Milosavljević, cello and Valeria Milosavljević, piano, invite you to an evening of Brahms jewels. Their musical-emotional depth in masterly condensation still inspires the world today.

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