Exhibition: "Alberto Martini and the Divine Comedy: paradise lived or hell in my dreams"

Free entry

We are delighted to be showing the exhibition "Alberto Martini and the Divine Comedy: Heavenly or Hellish in My Dreams" from March 5 to April 30 in Freiburg. It is a unique opportunity to celebrate the great illustrator of the 20th century with around forty reproductions of his works dedicated to Dante's masterpiece. On the occasion of the opening of the exhibition on March 5, PD Dr. Henning Hufnagel will give a reading after the welcoming address by Consul Toninato, and special editions of Dante's works will be on display thanks to the board of the Dante Alighieri Society Freiburg.

The event is free and open to the public. It will be followed by a cozy get-together.

For further information, please contact friburgo.segreteria2@esteri.it

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