200 years of Anton Bruckner. An encounter with his symphonic and sacred music

200 years of Anton Bruckner. An encounter with his symphonic and sacred music

Time and again we read about Bruckner as a "seeker of God". In this seminar, we would like to take a closer look at how he searched in his music. By listening to this music, we will open our minds, our understanding and our sensitivity and enter into the great mystery that Bruckner opens up to us with it. Much is hidden in his music, as in archetypes. They can accompany us helpfully in our lives. We can connect with them by listening attentively. If you feel drawn to contemplation and music, this is the right seminar for you: in this workshop we will trace the musical language of selected symphonic and sacred works by Bruckner. You do not need any previous musical knowledge. The Musicosophia listening method shows a way that goes beyond words and allows you to experience Bruckner's music in a new way. We listen to the music several times, hum along and become aware of our first impressions. We use simple sketches to illustrate the structure of a work and the melodies. In this way, we gain an overview of its structure and get to know it better and better. Finally, shaping the music with simple gestures leads to an internalization of the musical events.

Course leader: Zenetti, Carola. The instructor is a music teacher and trained seminar leader at the International Musicosophia School in St. Peter in the Black Forest. More at www.musicosophia.org

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