Plakat, © Kathinka Marcks

"zusammen erzählen" Intercultural Storytelling Café

Freier Eintritt

Come and tell stories from your life in small groups (all languages welcome), hear incredible stories from people you've never met and then listen to the English Storyteller and Musician Malcolm and Joshua Green.

GONE CUCKOO - The Compelling Tale of a Bird's Journey

Myth and science meet in a compelling tale of an iconic bird’s journey - told through story and song by son and father Joshua and Malcolm Green – ‘a tour de force of environmental art’.
‘Gone Cuckoo mixes Josh's enchanting voice, hilarious acting and wonderfully improvised music making with Malcolm spellbinding gift for telling tales. Their shared story blends wonder and humour and joy with a profoundly serious message about the loss of British wildlife. Above all Gone Cuckoo is a love song to the most celebrated bird of the northern summer.’ Mark Cocker (author of Crow Country)

Free Entrance

This event will be hold in English.

Gefördert von Kulturamt Freiburg und INTA-Stiftung

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