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Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance

Preis: bis 5,00€

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The International Bestselling Memoir From Trump’s Vice-Presidential Candidate in the American 2024 Election

In this New York Times bestselling memoir and passionate analysis of a culture in crisis, 'Hillbilly'-born Yale Law graduate J.D. Vance takes a probing look at America's white working class through his own experiences growing up.

The book tells a true story of what social, regional and class decline feels like when you were born with it hanging around your neck. As his family's saga plays out, the book shows how J.D.'s grandparents, aunt, sister and, most of all, his mother struggled profoundly, never fully escaping the legacy of abuse, alcoholism, poverty and trauma.

Writing with piercing honesty, Vance shows how he himself still carries around the demons of his chaotic family history. Hillbilly Elegy is an urgent and troubling meditation on the loss of the American Dream for a large segment of the population. It is unmissable reading in these times of political upheaval. 


'Brilliant ... offers an acute insight into the reasons voters have put their trust in Trump' Observer

'Clear-eyed and nuanced, a powerful antidote to the clamour of news' The Times


There is no need to have read the book in order to attend!
Admission: € 5 / free (CSH members)
Event language: English

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